Wednesday, December 30, 2009


So yesterday I quit my job at Anne Bowen, for personal reasons and mental health reasons. It was something I had been thinking about doing for a while now. But now I am free. I no longer have a cell phone, which will hopefully change today, but I feel for the first time in a year free to explore my own creativity. Whats on the horizon for me now? Well, I have school starting in Feb, which I am very excited about along with that. I am still working on sneakers for celebrities like Talib Kweli, Mos Def and Tech N9ne. These are for Talib Kweli:

What else do I have up my sleeve? Well this is the first time in a year that I feel like I can do what I want to do on my terms. I am planning on creating brand new t-shirts and creating new pieces and putting on a few shows this coming year. I am going to put together shows at different clubs throughout the city. I will post more pictures of the other shoes I am working on. If you want a pair holler at me.

Also check out my new website layout! Let me know what you think:

Healthy and Happy New Year to EVERYONE!

Monday, December 21, 2009

time to make moves

It's time for a change. I am sitting at work, and I just got into FIT. 3rd times a charm I guess. I want to take charge and continue my own business ventures. I want to start making moves on exploring my business while going to school at night. Sounds good to me. For my own sanity, I think I need to get out of my current job to do my own thing. I feel like I always say this, but I need to, if I do not then I think I will keel over from exhaustion and frustration. Let's make some moves

Monday, November 23, 2009


I got accepted to be in "The Art of Fashion" Exhibition on December 4th at Webster Hall. I get to display my artwork/sneakers and product during the show, which is exciting. On another note, I went to the MTV U Woodie Awards and gave my card to Tech N9ne's publicist. I followed up and hit him with an email including pictures. He responded and told me that Tech N9ne would definitely be interested in having a pair of my sneakers. Also this week I am scheduled to have a meeting with Corey Smyth in regard for some sneakers for Talib Kweli. Good start to the week I must say.

Making moves.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


All modeled by my beautiful girlfriend Florelisa De Jesus

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Ok, it has been a long time since my last blog. I believe it has been many months. So much has changed since I last blogged. I am officially the Associate Designer for ANNE BOWEN ( This past Sunday, the 18th, at the Plaza Hotel we had the second ANNE BOWEN BRIDAL show. Let me just tell you what adventure I went through in order to make this show possible. From adventures at local factories to beaded pieces coming in and not coming in from India it has been a long educating road. For the show, which we put together in a matter of a month and a half, it came out pretty damn good. Running to factories, negotiating, being cursed at by crazy korean factory workers finally paid off and we got some amazing press from it. I spent my days putting together beaded patterns which I sent out, and of course the prime piece my pride and joy did not come in until the day after the show. On the bright side, the piece was shown to Mark Ingram, the man in Bridal sales, ( and the staff went gaga over it. It is hilarious to me what goes into these pieces and what one has to go through in order to show these pieces to the stores, and make them look flawless and effortless. When I look at each piece, all I see is the amount of work and headache and stress that went into each piece. for example, showing a piece that was completely encrusted with pearls for market appointments; they see a beautiful, glamourous piece, I see me yelling at a factory in India making sure they ship it on time, and staying up until about midnight. This is an inside look of what my job consists of.

While juggling this Bridal collection, we had to put together a ready-to-wear collection. I sent multiple techpacks to a what seemed to be a "reliable source" and they screwed us over. I don't know if I should be talking about this, but it is the raw truth. The amount of work and obstacles that one goes through is really an interesting learning experience. I completed the graphics for linings of coats and remade techpacks in order to have the spring 2010 collection actually be presentable. The man who took the techpacks to have them made in China, 5 weeks ago, kept stringing us along telling us they can do whatever we needed. About two weeks ago, when Spring market week came along and we did not have anything, I had to take action. I called and called and of course he did not answer my phone calls or emails. So what did I do? I called from a restricted number and he finally picked up. I yelled at him, and he finally admitted he could not do that kind of work. I called his superior he admitted he did not send anything when it was due. They apologized profusely and I almost made a 60 year old man who manufactures in China for big companies cry. What has my life become?

On another note, I am currently applying for admission into the Spring 2010 at the Fashion Institute of Technology. So my life will only get more hectic.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So what I have going on right now is I am still working for designer ANNE BOWEN, as her design assistant. I am spending my time designing high end evening wear. While doing that I am still designing for the backpack company ACCESS BAG 'N' PACK. The backpack I did last year are now in Staples. My current boss wants to create a hoodie line with my name on it, which I get to design, we will see how that goes, if it goes. But I am still working on getting into school while juggling a lot of work with a lot of different projects at the same time. Classes start soon, and so does fashion week so this is going to get ugly.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

my current life

So I got hired at my job. I am assistant to creative director at Anne Bowen. I work there full time and am finishing up my night classes for this semester. We are currently designing the Spring 2010 line and having quite a few events coming up. I am actually put into a position of power, which in the words of "Spiderman" comes with many responsibilities. It is a stressful job especially when I am in school as well. I have so many final projects due this coming week and it is stressing me out. I should be fine, but it's just still a lot. I have been to a few events around NYC just for networking purposes, but I seem to not ever have time to focus on my own designs. I am designing for my boss and for school but not for myself at the moment. I am going to take one or two fall classes, but I want to focus more on my own designs. My boss is using my designs as inspiration, but no credit :(. I guess that's the business though. I like having the satisfaction she used them and the public sees them as a result. I was also offered partnership at a store in Redhook, Brooklyn. I am not sure if I have time or enough money to invest in it though, I will have to really think about it and see if I have time. I'm going to China in mid June to visit my brother, it is going to be so nice to have a vacation and just concentrate on my designs for a new portfolio, for a spring application. By the time I get into FIT, I am probably going to be done with the whole curriculum, ridiculous. Oh well, that's where I am now and I feel good.

Monday, February 9, 2009

two months back in NYC

So, I've come back to NYC to pursue/strengthen my business. I am taking night and weekend classes at FIT now while interning during the day. I intern at Anne Bowen ( helping her with a showing that is going to take place later this month. While working there, I am learning how to construct garments as well as silkscreen. I am having a lot of fun, even though I am really busy all the time. I've been just going around when I have time to trunk shows etc. I am meeting a lot of people, which is good for networking. The showing is based on the movie "Metropolis" and is very industrial and a lot of fun to work on. This showing deadline is coming up faster than we know, and more and more work needs to be done, it's exciting and I know it is going to turn out well.